What is Islam
Prophets sons of Abraham

This truth was asserted by the Prophets of old and especially by Abraham, the father of monotheism. Islam reveres all of these Prophets including not only Abraham, who is the father of the Arabs as well as of the Jews, but also Moses and Jesus Christ. The Prophet and Messenger of God, Muhammad--may peace and blessings be upon him, his family and his companions, was the last of this long line of Prophets and Islam is the last religion until the Day of Judgement. It is the final expression of the Abrahamic tradition. One should in fact properly speak of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition, for Islam shares with the other Abrahamic religions their sacred history, the basic ethical teachings contained in the Ten Commandments and above all, belief in the One God. And it renews and repeats the true beliefs of Jews and Christians whose scriptures are mentioned as divinely revealed books in Islam's own sacred book, the Qur'an.